MindWave Mobile 2 Headset BrainWave Starter Kit Available Now

If you’ve just purchased your MindWave of MindWave Mobile EEG headset, there’s no doubt you’re excited to check out all of the exciting things it can do. Of course, with so many apps available in the NeuroSky App Store, you may not know where to begin, and, more importantly, you may not want to spend a lot of money on an app that isn’t right for you. The good news for you is that we offer plenty of free apps in the NeuroSky App Store, as a matter of fact, there are so many that we’ve got an entire section of the store dedicated to free apps! In this post, we’re going to talk to you about some of our favourite free apps, so you can start enjoying your awesome new EEG headset right away.

Our Favorite Free Apps

You’ve got your headset and are ready to dive in, so let’s get to it—here are a few of our favorite free apps!

Brainwave Visualizer – Have you ever wondered what it looks like when you’re thinking? Brainwave Visualizer has the answer! This app displays colorful on screen shapes that change based on your state of mind. Do you want to see how your brain reacts when you hear a song you love, or maybe your best friend comes to visit? This app can visualize it! The Brainwave Visualizer is available in the NeuroSky App Store now.

Cardgazer – Even if you’re a card shark, we bet you’ve never played a card game quite like this! Cardgazer allows you to play with your mind, meaning if you want to win, you need to pay close attention. The more you focus, the more rewards and mind boosts you’ll be able to unlock on your way to successfully becoming the Master Cardgazer. Cardgazer is available now in the NeuroSky App Store. 

MindSong – This one is a must for music fans out there. With MindSong, you can hear how your brain is thinking, and work toward controlling those sounds. The more control you have over your brain’s soundscape, the more focused and calm your brain is. If you love using music to relax, MindSong is waiting for you in the NeuroSky App Store.

SpeedMath – If you’ve ever wanted to put your math skills to the test, then SpeedMath is the game for you! This game lets you or your family members build up your math skills while working on your problem areas. As you improve, so will your attention level and your problem solving skills. Speed Math is available in the NeuroSky App Store.

The Adventures of NeuroBoy – Unlock amazing super powers in the awesome game for all ages. Help NeuroBoy use his telekinetic abilities to push, pull, lift, and burn objects, all while flexing some serious mental muscle. The Adventures of NeuroBoy is available in the NeuroSky App Store. 

Find What You Like—Try These Free Apps Today! 

These are only a few examples of the free apps available in our store, and after you try all of these, there are over 100 more apps to try for everything from entertainment, to education, relaxation, and more.

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About NeuroSky

NeuroSky technologies enable the most insightful and easy-to-understand health and wellness biometrics for mobile solutions, wearable devices, and service providers. The company’s proprietary, market-leading biosensor technologies provide a foundation for analyzing biometric data in a way that’s never before been practical. NeuroSky-enabled solutions deliver unique insights into body and mind health and wellness that can motivate people to make better lifestyle choices.

NeuroSky Technology Fast 500 2014 & 2015 Recipient Awarded by Deloitte LLP

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