In the EEG world, a Brain-Computer Interface is known as a BCI. Webster’s Dictionary defines an interface as a system through which one machine is connected to another machine. Unfortunately, this definition doesn’t explain how the data from the transmitting machine is being processed and utilized by the receiving machine. It also doesn’t elaborate on the… Read More»
Our world changes dramatically with each tick of the clock. Technology is constantly evolving and opening up new opportunities we never thought were possible. Take a classic example—the telephone. Not too long ago, many of us were stuck at home waiting next to our landlines for a service consultant to get back to us between… Read More»
Our earlier blog briefly introduced the topic of EEG artifacts. Basically, artifacts are noise sources that have overlaid onto the EEG and corrupted the purity of the brainwave signal when they are present. This is where noise filtering electronics, special materials and industrial design techniques are necessary to reduce noise influences. Two artifact types deserve… Read More»
Merriam-Webster defines an algorithm as a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end. Algorithms can be developed for any process—from how to make your morning coffee to something as odd as establishing a friendship (diagram). In the biosensor world, you will hear phrases like EEG algorithms. What are EEG algorithms and what… Read More»
In our previous blog, we introduced the idea of EEG frequency bands, which can basically be described as a fixed range of wave frequencies and amplitudes over a time scale. These bands are components of the overall EEG waveform captured at an electrode. Scientists use mathematical models such as Fast Fourier Transforms to extract the… Read More»
EEG (electroencephalogram) technology offers incredible insight on the human brain. While this technology is complex, it’s important to understand just how it works. In this post, we’re going to shed some light on what exactly EEG technology is and how it works. Along the way, we’ll also introduce a few important terms to remember. In… Read More»
With recent advancements in EEG sensor technology, what once belonged to the realm of science fiction has quickly become science fact. Today, it’s possible to interpret brainwaves, and put that data to good use for people of all ages thanks to EEG headsets. One key way this data can be used is by measuring the… Read More»
NeuroSky has the lowest cost headset with the most open development platform. If you are considering building a mobile app that has EEG integration, consider implementing MindWave Mobile compatibility to take advantage of hardware reach and developers resources. There are hundreds of thousands of apps on mobile devices for just about everything—from communication, education and… Read More»
With a new year underway, many of us are looking for ways to improve our health in 2015. While lifestyle factors like diet and exercise typically come to mind first, there’s much more to achieving well-being. Mounting evidence suggests that greater physical and mental health can be achieved through effectively leveraging the mind-body connection. With the… Read More»
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About NeuroSky
NeuroSky technologies enable the most insightful and easy-to-understand health and wellness biometrics for mobile solutions, wearable devices, and service providers. The company’s proprietary, market-leading biosensor technologies provide a foundation for analyzing biometric data in a way that’s never before been practical. NeuroSky-enabled solutions deliver unique insights into body and mind health and wellness that can motivate people to make better lifestyle choices.
NeuroSky Technology Fast 500™ 2014 & 2015 Recipient Awarded by Deloitte LLP
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