• These days, everything is password protected, and unless you’re using one password for everything (something nobody would ever recommend), it can be difficult to keep them all straight. What’s worse, passwords aren’t foolproof. In fact, a survey from June of 2015 revealed that two in five people have been notified that their personal information had… Read More»

  • If you’ve been following the advancements in ECG biosensor technology over the last few years, you’ve probably heard a little bit about heart rate variability (HRV). If you’re just getting up to speed, HRV is the method of measuring and assessing the effect that stress can have on your body. But how does HRV monitoring… Read More»

  • It’s awards season, and if you’re a movie buff, you’re probably spending all your spare time checking out the top nominees. Of course, after a while, it’s easy for even your favorite films to start blending together. If only there was some sort of dramatic twist you didn’t see coming! Spoiler alert: MyndPlay is that… Read More»

  • If you’ve ever spent a prolonged period in the hospital, or maybe even just one evening, you understand how draining the experience can be. You’re surrounded by unfamiliar people and equipment, sleeping in a bed that’s not your own, and wishing you could go home. For many patients, going home isn’t always an option, but… Read More»

  • Technology is intertwined into everything we do, and now, with what we wear. The latest advancements in biosensor technology involve the development and application of smart clothing. NeuroSky has collaborated with Far Eastern New Century (FENC) to bring you DynaFeed, the most innovative way for athletes to optimize their training with accurate real-time performance data… Read More»

  • If you’ve ever worn a biosensor monitor, you know how insightful the readings can be. Wearables provide helpful prompts about when stress levels are high, or when to take a walk. In the future, these devices will be used to monitor heart rate variability (HRV) for people with long term health issues, immediately providing essential… Read More»

  • A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a powerful technology, with proven potential to radically change the way that humans interact with the environment—and with each other. By enabling a connection between our brains and the outside world, BCI technology makes it possible for people who can’t communicate through movement or speech to express their thoughts, enables… Read More»

  • Mobile mental health monitoring has become more popular in recent years thanks to the rise of wearable technology and smartphone use. It’s also become more accepted by mental health professionals. Last year the National Health Service in the UK launched a curated library of approved apps for monitoring and addressing mental health issues [1]. Additionally,… Read More»

  • Woman With ALS with Communication Device

    Mind-Machine Interfaces (MMI) have become popular and increasingly accessible in the entertainment industry for gaming (think Throw Trucks With Your Mind) and for other hobbies (imagine controlling a drone’s flight just by thinking about where it should move). Beyond entertainment, MMI technology has even more potential to change lives by providing vital warning signs to… Read More»